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Glow Up with Effortlessly Simple and Highly Effective All-Natural Anti-Aging Skincare

Posted by Jenette Serrins and Sylvie Greil on

Aging is a privilege. But let’s debunk the myth that aging gracefully means accepting dry skin, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and all the other things that come with the passage of time. It's a new era, and women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s are redefining beauty, armed with the magic of anti-aging skincare that's effective and natural. Prepare for a delightful journey into a realm where simplicity seamlessly converges with efficacy. Unveil our concise guide to the pinnacle of clean, green, and remarkably effective anti-aging skincare!

Before we dive into our top products, let’s talk about how to prevent premature aging. Here are some proven tips for a lifestyle that not only nurture your skin but also brings out your inner glow:

Finding Your Skincare Sweet Spot: Perfect Product Proportions

Posted by Jenette Serrins and Sylvie Greil on
In the world of skincare, it's not just about what products you use but how much of them you use. We've all been there—slathering on too much of something that should be applied sparingly or skimping on a product that deserves a generous touch. The truth is, different products demand different quantities, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach.

Our Founder Jenette Serrins Shares Her Morning Routine on How to Look and Feel Her Best — And It’s More Doable Than You Think!

Posted by Jenette Serrins and Sylvie Greil on
What’s your story, morning glory? Do you have a morning routine? Do you shower and dash out the door with barely a sip of coffee? Or do you practice some extensive A.M. self-care? We know it's hard to carve out time for the latter. We are all so super busy! And Jenette Serrins, our founder and CEO, is one of the busiest people we know. She's our alchemist-in-chief and doyenne of all things beauty and wellness, but beyond that, she wears many other hats, from business owner to mother to philanthropist and so much more. Still, she always seems to radiate from within, wiith that incredible glow.

Health-Boosting Heroes: Our Top Immune Boosters

Posted by Sylvie Greil on

As much as we cherish the arrival of fall, with its kaleidoscope of colors and warm, oversized sweaters, we're all too familiar with its less enchanting side — the dreaded sniffly season. Yes, autumn might bring pumpkin-spiced everything and the coziness of oversized scarves, but it also ushers in a host of unwelcome visitors: the flu and an array of pesky viruses, all just waiting for an opportunity to put a damper on our autumnal revelry.

But worry not, beauties, for we have a secret weapon against these autumnal miseries — the immune system! It's our personal fortress, our trusty shield against the onslaught of sneezes and sniffles. And while immune boosters can be a year-round ally, there's no time like the present to fortify your defenses with some of our favorite weapons in the war against germs. So, grab your pumpkin spice latte, snuggle up, and let's dive into the exciting world of our personal favorites when it comes to immune-boosting superstars!

Elevate Your Skincare Experience with the Magic of Snow Mushroom

Posted by Jenette Serrins and Sylvie Greil on

UPDATED...6/26/24 In the heart of ancient Asian forests, a mystical secret hides. There, beneath the serene canopy, one can stumble upon a jewel of nature, the enigmatic Snow Mushroom. This magical organism, bearing the scientific...

How to Layer Your Products to Achieve Flawless Skin!

Posted by Jenette Serrins and Sylvie Greil on

An important question has been popping up quite frequently lately: “How do I layer my skincare products?” We’re so glad to hear that our clients are a curious bunch and seeking the inside scoop on the art of product layering. After all, the symphony of your skincare routine is a true masterpiece — orchestrating a flawless ballet of absorption, efficacy, and transformative results for your unique skin aspirations.

Each product has a distinct role to play. And oh, the magic that happens when they harmonize. So, check out our comprehensive guide to tackle all your treatments, from cleansers and toners to serums, moisturizers, and sunscreen. Learn to slay at layering and achieve flawless skin!

Discover the Perfect Kit for Your Skin!

Posted by Jenette Serrins and Sylvie Greil on

Hello there, beauty enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a journey to unveil healthy, radiant, and balanced skin? We're thrilled to introduce our upgraded skincare kits that are designed to elevate your skincare routine to juicy new heights. No matter your skin's unique challenges, our kits are meticulously crafted to bring about a remarkable transformation, leaving you with skin that exudes that covetable lit-from-within radiance.

Whether it's acne, aging, sensitivity, or a quest for equilibrium and rejuvenation, we've got you covered. Each skin type boasts its own specialized starter kit, ensuring you receive the precise care you crave. And when you're prepared to take your skincare expedition further, our advanced kits are poised to deliver an even higher level of pampering and nourishment.

Unlock The Power of the Five: All-Natural Skincare Ingredients and Their Benefits!

Posted by Jenette Serrins and Sylvie Greil on
In the realm of skincare, understanding the ingredients that make up your favorite products can be a game-changer. From time-honored remedies passed down through the ages to cutting-edge discoveries of today, Mother Nature herself bestows a treasure trove of powerful elements that have the potential to elevate both the vitality and allure of your skin.

Max Out Your Moisture! The Do’s and Don’ts of Slugging!

Posted by Sylvie Greil on

Have you coated your face in Vaseline recently? Then you’ve been #slugging! No clue what we’re talking about? Then we’re also glad you’re here! The slugging trend has taken the beauty world by storm via...

All the Wonderful and Amazing Ways You Can Use Jenette Skin Care to Quickly Look and Feel Your Best!

Posted by Sylvie Greil on
You know those days when you’re not feeling and looking your best due to stress, exhaustion, or just living life with everything it throws at you? And your skin is showing it? It could be that tired, dull look when it feels like even your dermis needs its frown turned upside down. Maybe pesky breakouts are marring your complexion. Perhaps you were skimping on your healthy diet or celebrating a little too much. Whatever the culprit for your skin “blahs,” our founder, Jenette Serrins, has finessed a marvelous “cure” for just those days. Get the skinny on how to really pamper and take care of your skin quick to nourish your radiance and rekindle your vibrancy.

Q&A with Our Founder Part 2: The Magic & Methods Behind Jenette All-Natural Skin Care!

Posted by Sylvie Greil on

Dying to know how to go about using topicals like retinol? And what the magic is behind Jenette’s formulator-led products that are as luxuriously effective as they are deeply healing? Dive into part 2 of our chat with our founder as we discuss what it truly means to be an all-natural skincare brand, why sustainability efforts are so critical, and what she can’t miss out on to feel her very best every day! As always, it’s about going far beyond skin-deep!


What does it mean to be an all-natural skincare brand?

This is not an easy question, as many would think that as long as you’re using what the FDA would call one 100-percent natural, you’re an all-natural skincare line. However, I think it goes much further. It’s about sourcing and using sustainable, clean, and green ingredients every step of the way. 

Q&A with Our Founder Part 1: Our Very Own Skincare Guru Shares Her Deep Knowledge on Achieving — and Keeping — Truly Fantastic, Glowing, Radiant Skin!

Posted by Sylvie Greil on

I sat down with our founder, Jenette Serrins, to discuss her skincare routine, must-have products, and daily beauty regimen. Learn about her secrets to getting great skin, her inspiration for new products, and her unique take on aging gracefully. It’s about making a wholehearted commitment to the health of your body, skin, and mind — inside and out! Let’s get up close and personal!


How did you start on your skincare journey?


When I was 18, I opened a day spa with my mom and learned how to do everything, from body treatments to makeup, massage, skincare, and waxing. I didn’t think that this was a path I would stay on. But while getting my degree in speech communication, I needed to make money, and this was a great way.

Prevent Aging By Layering Your Skincare Products

Posted by Barbara Barnes on
By applying different skincare formulas in layers, you can tailor your skincare precisely to your skin type, your age and the needs of your skin at that moment (such as moisture, nutrition and protection during cold months). Think of it as an extra thick winter coat that keeps your skin in optimal condition under any circumstance.
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